Powador 30.0 - 60.0 TL3 XL
The transformerless, 3-phase Powador 30.0 TL3 XL to 60.0 TL3 XL inverters are designed specifically for decentralised installation of photovoltaic systems for commercial and industrial applications, such as hangars and factory roofs.
- Model : Powador 30.0 TL3 XL
- Rate Power : 25000 VA
- Number of MPP trackers : 3
- MPP range@Pnom : 260 V … 800 V
- Max. efficiency : 98.0 % / 97.8%
- Max. input current : 3 x 34.0 A
- Fault Ride Through (FRT) : Yes
- Model : Powador 39.0 TL3 XL
- Rate Power : 33300 VA
- Number of MPP trackers : 3
- MPP range@Pnom : 340 V … 800 V
- Max. efficiency : 98.0 % / 97.8%
- Max. input current : 3 x 34.0 A
- Fault Ride Through (FRT) : Yes
- Model : Powador 60.0 TL3 XL
- Rate Power : 49900 VA
- Number of MPP trackers : 3
- MPP range@Pnom : 480 V … 850 V
- Max. efficiency : 97.8 % / 97.6%
- Max. input current : 3 x 36.0 A
- Fault Ride Through (FRT) : Yes